Teams Real Simple with Pictures: It’s here – the new Viva Connections Home Experience and how to transition from your SPO Home Site with PowerShell

Today has been a good one. A lot of security - Defender for Cloud, Defender for Servers, a bit of Sentinel then a bit more Defender for Cloud. A tidy up of the old DevOps tasks for the UX. Nice. So I thought I would spend this evening chilling out and putting on those a few Jeff Beck classics like Wired and There and Back. Closing down my Ring 4 tenant I noticed that it was finally there: the new Viva Home experience has landed. Now I don't mind telling you that I have had the PowerShell in place for about two or three weeks, and I have been checking back every single day because I have been looking forward to this ever since it was announced at the launch event prior to Ignite back in 2022. Before I implemented the PowerShell, or should I say before I became aware that it was executed on the command line - should a home site already exist in Viva Connections I spent hours - and I mean hours on a wild goose chase to see what could change it. Site Settings. The Microsoft 365 Admin Portal. The new Viva Admin Portal. You name it. For all new implementations of Viva Connections - as in never used before - the Home Experience should be there by default. But if you already have a Home Site transition is possible using PowerShell. Now, before we get all gung-ho, we may not want, or need, or have any inclination to move to the new Home Experience. That's fine - because should you not like it you can always switch back to the Home Site using PowerShell too. We'll cover this. But just a disclaimer on this one. I imagine that some organizations' Home Sites used for Viva Connections could be quite rich given that SPO Home Site configuration has been around for a while now. I want to say eighteen months but maybe it's two years. There could very well be some reconfiguration to be done when the transition via the shell is complete. For me, that rebuild/redesign and the sprints that inevitably result is all interesting work for the latter half of the week. But just a heads up, you may want to test it all out in a dev environment first - but all the better knowing we can reverse course.